A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (September 11, 2021)

A Dark Anniversary



It’s been twenty years since The United States lost it’s innocence. Twenty fucking years. And now look at where we are. And here is what I remember from that tragic day:


September 11, 2001, I was working in the information technology department at Agway as a systems operator. Dan had been at the emergency room at University Hospital (now Upstate Medical University) as a health care technician for over a year now. I was working that day when the news came out that a plane had struck on of the towers at the WTC. My boss had a portable TV in his office and I saw what had happened. We had an emergency operations center with larger TV’s, so I went up there. That is when I saw the towers fall. Everyone who was there was in shock. I immediately went back down to the computer center, and tried to access the news sites on the Internet. No such luck, the net was severely congested with all the people trying to find out information. I immediately called Dan from work and asked him if he knew. The hospital was on lockdown during the crisis, and he couldn’t talk very long. 9/11/01 was one of the most frightening things that had happened in my life. Knowing that terrorists struck a major blow to our country was once of the most disconcerting things that I have ever experienced.

Almost a year later, I was down in New York City for NYC Pride, and I couldn’t even go to the WTC site. I don’t think that I could have handled it.


It’s now September 11, 2021. A lot has happened since then. I was laid off from Agway six months later, spent a year and a half as a front-end meat robot (point of sale cashier in a supermarket) and four years after Agway, got a job in a corrugated box (what you would call a cardboard box) factory, where I remain after 16 years. I bought my own house, got married to Dan (my now husband) in 2012, and am living pretty much a comfortable life. I suffered a mild heart attack in 2020, and yes I am still alive and kicking.

And we’re (and I am using the collective “we” in this sense) trying to get through the COVID-19 pandemic, no thanks to the anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers that cry about their “civil liberties” being violated. (When will these ASSHOLES ever grow the fuck up?) Yes, I am pro-mask/pro-vaxx. I trust the science, not what some fucking quack/conspiracy theorist says on the Internet.

And we have survived hands down, the worst *period* fucking *period* presidency ever. (Thanks to “The Newsroom” for that.)

Twenty years. A lot of changes. The Internet is ubiquitous, everyone is pretty much reachable because of the proliferation of smartphones, you know what people are doing instantly thanks to social media. Streaming media means that we don’t have to go out to the movies or rental stores for visual entertainment. Music? There are streaming services for that also. Breaking news? We can get it pushed to our phones and computers right when it happens.

Twenty years. In that time, the worst that humanity has to offer has come to the forefront. In 2008, America elected the first African-American to the highest office in the country, the Presidency. And the Republican right did everything in their power to undermine his administration. Constant attacks against his policies, and their efforts to prevent real change in American politics have done more to divide the country. The emergence of the “entitled class” of what passes as human beings has fostered an “us against them” mentality that affects all on a subconscious level. (The “Karen” phenomenon is a prime example of that.) And of course, the aforementioned COVID-19 pandemic, which from what I have seen, is getting worse with the Delta variant and the emergence of the Mu variant. And don’t forget the anti-masker/anti-vaxxer crowd (as I will keep reminding you.) And in 2016, for some inexplicable reason, a misogynistic, sociopathic malignant narcissist was elected to succeed a president who despite all the attacks against him, was able to usher in an era of prosperity and social change over the eight years that he was in office. This again, was the knee-jerk reaction of an entrenched older white-male right-wing political force that saw their control slipping away. So these pathetic cocksuckers choked down their bile, and threw their support behind a candidate that “shared their values” and promised to “make America great again.” They turned a blind eye to his numerous flaws and made the Faustian “deal with the devil.” What they got is a raging beast that they were unable to control and started to lay waste to the country that they were losing control of. That, combined with the apathy of eligible voting age Americans, ushered in four years of a really bad comedy of errors and missteps that has pushed America to the brink of civil war.

On November 5, 2020 collective America actually was roused from it’s apathy and shifted the political landscape from the sociopathic right to the more sympathetic left by voting out the malignant narcissist that tried his best to destroy America. The right-wing so-called “body politic” tried to say that the election was rife with fraudulent votes and “their guy” had really won the election. Since then, there were numerous attempts at tossing out the votes in contested states that had shifted blue in this election, but all the attempts were pretty much stymied by the court system on the federal level. But the real storm was to come.

January 6, 2021. This was the day that America came close to another civil war. On this day, Congress convened to certify the election results (more or less a formality.) Supporters of the malignant narcissist (basically egged on by him at a rally) stormed the Capital to disrupt the counting of the votes of the electoral college. They broke into the Capital building, causing extensive damage, five fatalities, and extensive injuries to rioters and law enforcement alike. Did it stop the certification of the results? Fuck no. The Vice-President finished up the next day, and executive branch of the government shifted from red to blue.

Now we’re at the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The government is more or less left-leaning, and we have a President who inherited the mess that his predecessor created. He’s getting slammed for his mandates on the COVID-19 crisis, and his Vice-President (who is female and not white) isn’t taking any shit from the entrenched white-right-wing that is still in the Senate. The former resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is down in Florida at his shit-hole resort licking his wounds that will probably never heal.

So what is the point of this blog post? Despite the fact that America took a major body blow on September 11, 2001, we survived. It’s been a rough 20 years, but we survived. And we will continue to survive. Basically, it’s a distillation of the human species adapting to changes, and rejecting things that will hasten the decline of the species.

Whew. I can be a long winded old bastard sometimes. But that is me. When I have something to get off my chest, I go all out. Thank you for putting up with the rantings of a misanthropic old fart.


© 2021, Dean A. Basler Jr.

All rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (January 3, 2021)

Control (Or the lack thereof.)


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Well it is Sunday, and while I was doing laundry, my mind started racing and I got a pretty fucking big bug up my ass. So while while I was taking care of the laundry, I decided to fire up LibreOffice Writer and put my thoughts to actual words on a computer monitor. Read at the risk of your sanity. You’ve been warned.

The one thing that I have taken away from my sixty-two years here on earth is, pretty much everything is about control. People, corporations, politics…there always a constant about it. Control or the lack thereof. You see it every day but by dint of human nature, you will always turn a blind eye to it except when it affects you directly.

The whole stimulus check debate is a prime example of certain people attempting to exert control over the American people. On the one hand, we have the idiot-in-chief and Democratic left wanting $2,000 stimulus payments to go out to the public. On the other hand, we have the Republican left wanting to deny them because the money can be “better spent” on pork-barrel items that don’t help the American people directly. The pork-barrel projects mainly benefit corporate interests, which in turn gives them the impetus to contribute to candidates who’s self-interests in maintaining control is their primary motivation, not the benefit of their constituents. Mitch McConnell’s state is a shining example of that. The per capita income of his home state of Kentucky is $28,178, while the per capita income of the state of New York (where I reside) is $39,326. 16.3% of the population in Kentucky can be considered in poverty, while the figure is 13.0% for the state of New York. (The data comes from the latest U.S. Census figures.) Why doesn’t McConnell push for more programs that benefit his home state and help lift his constituents out of poverty? It’s all about pandering to the corporate interests that KEEP HIM IN CONTROL of the U.S. Senate. (Although the Senate runoff in Georgia might change that, and that has him shitting his pants. The other thing that bothers me is WHY THE FUCK was he reelected? The best I can figure is, the conservative right or what passes for it now, knew exactly which buttons to push with the populace, which is overwhelmingly evangelical Christian and has a bit of the “Old South” racism still.)

Another example is Donald Trump (otherwise known as the idiot-in-chief.) He’s always defined his life as being in control. From his real estate holdings, his “brand,” all the way to his rise to one of the most powerful positions in the world, it’s always about him “being in control.” Psychiatrists all over have pretty much diagnosed him (despite the presence of Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association’s Principles of Medical Ethics, otherwise known as the “Goldwater Rule”, which says that it is unethical for them to diagnose and give an opinion of public figures who they haven’t examined) as a sociopath and has malignant narcissism. This is a dangerous combination for someone in control of the United States. You could see his “control” over the past 40 years in the public eye, from all the high stakes business deals that he bulldozed through, his hosting of a “reality” program (The Apprentice,) the 2016 presidential debate, where he stood behind Hillary Clinton’s lectern in an attempt to intimidate her, and up to the present day, where he used intimidation tactics to ram through legislation that is counter to the interests of the American people in general. His constant use of Twitter is another example of him trying to assert control of the narrative. Every time that something goes against his “alleged” Adderall-addled viewpoint, he goes on Twitter and starts whining about various conspiracies that stand in the way of his “control.” Things such as “The Deep State.” “Fake News.” “Rigged Election.” It’s all a grand conspiracy to bring him down and strip him of his “wealth” (which is pretty much a delusion rattling around in his head, supposedly.) His constant denigration of anyone or anything that goes against him is another attempt to exert control over the narrative and keep the bullshit alive to distract the populace from the fact that he is NOT IN CONTROL! The revolving door of people in and out of his employ over the past four years is an indication of someone who is a “bad boss.” People can only stand so much bullshit before they throw up their hands and say “fuck it, I am outta here.” Oh, but everything is fine and dandy because the president “is in control.” (I almost spit up my coffee when I wrote that.)

Now, with Trump throwing his support behind $2,000 stimulus payments to the American people, and his trumpeting that he pushed the COVID-19 vaccine through (which is bullshit because the first one that was approved, the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was developed without government funding,) he again is trying to control the narrative. He wants people to think that he has their best interests at heart, but in reality what he is trying to do is polish the turd that his tenure as president has become. But I see it for what it is, the last desperate gasp of a drowning man. The truth of the matter is, he has never been in control. His insistence of everything being “my way or the highway” has turned most of the American populace and all the movers and shakers inside the Beltway against him, and he can’t fucking stand it. The next seventeen days (as of this writing) are going to be on everyone’s mind because we are going to keep asking ourselves “what the fuck is Trump going to do next?”

Whatever it is, it’s just gonna be another fuckin’ dumpster fire that Biden is going to have to put out.


© 2021, Dean A. Basler Jr.

All rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (October 2, 2020)




Well, with the news that Cheetolini (and his wife with the resting bitch face) have tested positive for COVID-19, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. Given his propensity for not wearing a mask, his attendance at large rallies, the death of Herman Cain, people on his staff testing positive for the coronavirus, and his overwhelming need to be surrounded by people who stroke his ego and not wear any masks, I would say that the odds finally caught up with him. Having it happen almost a month before the election, that does raise red flags.

1: The first debate.  Trump looked and sounded like the total ass that he is.  Biden kept his cool for the most part, but when Biden mentioned his son Beau (who served in the military in Iraq, and then died from brain cancer) Trump immediately went on the attack and started to ramble on and on about his son Hunter. Joe pretty much kept his cool during that personal attack. Trump then interrupted him while Joe was talking about ending the filibuster, and Joe said “Will you shut up man, this is so unpresidential.” Trump getting COVID-19 pretty much put the kibosh on future debates. 

2: The revelation by the New York Times that Trump only paid $750 in taxes for the years 2016, and 2017. Prior to that, it was was reported that he paid no taxes from 2000 to 2015, plus he took deductions on things that would be considered personal expenses such as aircraft, personal residences, $70,000 for hairstyling (when he was hosting “The Apprentice,) and most of all, “consulting fees” to his daughter Ivanka. 

3: His debt load.  Also from the New York Times, it is reported that he is personally responsible for 421 MILLION DOLLARS in loans, and they are coming due within 4 years.  Hell, I still owe about 40 thousand on my mortgage, and I don’t have anxiety over it, but Trump has a major Sword of Damocles hanging over his head.  He thinks that his lenders will be unwilling to foreclose on a sitting president. That is enough to scare the shit out of anyone.

4: His “Brand.”  Most of the income he does have comes from the licensing of his name to various ventures around the world.  If (more like when) he loses, his “brand” is going to suffer a major hit in terms of viability.  For someone with malignant narcissism (which Trump has in spades) this would be totally unthinkable.

5: The criminal tax probe by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.  Cyrus Vance Jr. said that they are investigating The Trump Organization for potential bank and insurance fraud relating to properties in Manhattan, not to mention the alleged payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, who claim to have had affairs with Trump before he became president.  As long as Trump is president, he can stymie the investigations to his advantage.


So basically, one month before the general election, Trump is getting shithammered on multiple fronts.  Is he looking for an escape?  Is he finally losing whatever shred of sanity he has left?  Who knows.  All I know is that it is gonna get very fucking strange in the next 31 days, and all of us better buckle in and brace ourselves for for a very rough fucking ride.



© 2020 Dean A. Basler Jr.

All rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (July 5, 2020)


The Kanye Problem.

Really? Even after having a mild heart attack  (it happened on July 1st, and I am fine,) I thought 2020 couldn’t get any fucking worse, but Kanye West announced that he is running for President FOUR FUCKING MONTHS before the election, and he has the support from Elon Musk? Even after the show that he made of kissing Trump’s ass all this time? Is he fucking high? No one takes him seriously. Fer chrissakes, he and Kim “Big Ass” Kardashian named their kid “North.”

He thinks that his “base” is going to support him. He’s hoping that he can tune into the collective rage that happened over the death of George Floyd during his arrest. But the thing is, this crossed racial barriers, and a lot of the people that are protesting are pretty much from the liberal left, which already had a few beefs over unchecked police brutality.

The Republican party is pretty much made up of old, southern, conservative, bible-thumping and probably racist white men (who are scared of what Trump can do to them financially in terms of support.) Given their fear of Trump, they will more than likely pull out all the stops to degrade him and get him to give up, even with the support of Musk (who is pretty much shown his colors that he is a lunatic of the first order, despite the fact that he has done great things in transportation such as Tesla, energy storage, and aerospace travel such as SpaceX.)

Kanye should just shut the fuck up, make music, and continue to bury his face in Trump’s ass. He’s a fucking joke when it comes to politics, and it’s just gonna cause more discord in the political process. Not to mention the fact that he missed the deadline for filing as an independent candidate in six states and filing as a candidate in a major party after the states had held their primaries. Most political pundits just see this as a stunt to take votes away from Biden.

Sheesh, 2020 is really gonna end with a fucking big bang at this point. People call me fucking paranoid for stockpiling survival supplies. I guess that the next few months will tell. Buckle up, boys and girls, this ride is gonna get REALLY bumpy.


© 2020 Dean A. Basler Jr.

All rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (March 20, 2020)

Alrighty then…Andrew Cuomo is doing everything that he can to contain COVID-19.

The federal government?  Bupkis.

Trump has EXPERTS telling him what needs to be done, but all he is concerned about is how well he is doing in the polls (which isn’t good, from what I hear.) So he thinks that giving every American family a check for $1000 is doing some good?

Nope, he is trying to polish the turd that his Presidency has become. He is hoping that the $1000 checks will make people WANT to vote for him. It’s bribery, plain and simple, and it is coming out of our tax dollars.

His right-wing supporters will cry “IT’S SOCIALISM!” But those assholes will be the first to line up outside the banks to cash them.


Grow up and grow a brain, America


© 2020 Dean A. Basler Jr., all rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (March 6, 2020)

Isn’t this how the first Resident Evil movie started?

About the whole bullshit about the COVID-19 (aka the Corona Virus.)

One: I wash my hands after I piss and/or shit.

Two: I cover my mouth and nose when I sneeze, and if I am near a sink and soap, I wash my hands.

Three: I am not obsessive-compulsive about using hand sanitizer (but I will do so if I am not near a sink and soap.)

Four: I do not listen to the bullshit coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth about the Corona Virus.

Five: I do listen to what the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have to say.

Excuse the fuck out of me for using logic and filtering out the tin-foil hat conspiracy bullshit that is permeating the Internet in general

(and Facebook and Twitter to be specific.)

Grow up and grow a brain, America


© 2020 Dean A. Basler Jr., all rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (June 26, 2019)

The American Clusterfuck




You know, I am really getting sick of a few things.


1: People reposting articles from the past to Facebook without any context. If you feel that the article has relevance in the now, PROVIDE SOME FUCKING CONTEXT.

2: The incessant postings of right-wing bullshit that has been proven to be lies e.g. the economy is great because of Trump. The economy was doing quite well during the Obama administration, and now it is going into the tank because Trump is getting into a pissing match by imposing tariffs on some of our largest trading partners. Ask a farmer in the midwest how well he doing because of Trump. I fucking dare you.

3: The whole pissing match with Iran. We had an agreement in place along with numerous European nations to limit Iran’s nuclear capabilities. The one thing that Trump does when he gets into office is break that agreement BECAUSE IT HAPPENED WHEN OBAMA WAS IN OFFICE. Now, we have tankers being bombed, drones being shot down, and a President taking us to the brink and then pulling back. The hawks in his administration (mainly Pompeo and Bolton) have a major hardon for starting wars in order to impose their fascist view of a new world order. And they have a perfect patsy in the form of Donald Trump. He is so enamored with himself that the only reason he does things now is to get praise from Fox News and other right-leaning news outlets. He has no interest in world peace. The only reason that he does things now is to burnish the shine on the turd that his presidency has become.

4: Claiming “immunity” or “White House Privilege” when being called to testify before Congress. The most recent example was with Kellyanne Conway being called to testify before the House Oversight Committee over her repeated violations of The Hatch Act, which she dismissed with the quote “Blah, blah blah. If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,” and the White House saying that it was a violation of her First Amendment rights. Bitch, shut that wrinkled old pie-hole of a mouth, sit the fuck down, and fucking testify. When you violate the law, you have to explain yourself.

5: 20+ FUCKING CANDIDATES FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT IN 2020? Hey you assholes, lets muddy the political waters even further. Yes, Barack Obama came out of left field to win the Presidency in 2008, but all you Democratic wannabees need to sit the fuck down and let it shake out between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. They are the only two who stand any chance of denying Trump a second term in office, and you idiots who are tossing your hats in are doing one thing, just making a big pile of fucking hats. Stay out of the big political sandbox until you have gotten a few years behind you and are able to make a real difference. Warren and Sanders have many more years of experience behind them, and are better able to deal with the shit that is going to be flung at them by the apes in the Republican zoo that Washington has become.


Enough of the old man ranting, I need to drop a grogan.




© Copyright 2019, Dean A. Basler Jr., all rights reserved.

A Curmudgeon’s Viewpoint (October 13, 2017)

curmudgeon2It has been 266 days since Donald J. Trump has been sworn in as President of the United States.  Now, for most of the liberal right, they keep preaching the end of days.  But what I have seen for the most part is, life is going on as usual.  I look at most of the bullshit that circulates on Facebook and Twitter with a pragmatic eye.  There are blatant indications that he isn’t suited to be the leader of the free world.  His constant use of Twitter is an indication of his mental stability (or lack thereof.) I have stated time and time again, you CANNOT set government policy 140 characters at a time.  His constant “shooting from the hip” is one of the signs of someone who has poor impulse control.  And since he is using a pretty much unsecured Android phone for his communications, there is distinct possibility that someone could hack his device.  (FYI, my husband and I both use Android phones and Windows 10 personal computers, and I keep them as secure as I can.)

Now, there has been talk about replacing the President under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution due to his mental instability.  But that would involve a mental health assessment by a qualified professional, in this case a psychiatrist.   This part of the 25th Amendment would come into play:

“Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.”
The only way that they could get the President to submit to a mental health examination is petitioning the Supreme Court, and they would have to present overwhelming evidence that he is mentally unfit to be President. Without a report from someone who is qualified to judge the mental state of an individual, this would be an exercise in futility.  Catch-22, folks.
Also, there is an informal rule that is followed by the American Psychiatric Association called  “The Goldwater Rule,” which states it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures they have not examined in person.  But many psychiatrists have broken ranks and have publicly spoken out against Donald Trump, and described him as having “an assortment of personality problems, including grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and ‘malignant narcissism'”, and that he has a “dangerous mental illness.”

(Full disclosure:  I have been in psychiatric therapy in the past (as recent as three years ago) for anger management issues and personal issues, and it has helped me immensely.  Some people need it, and I was one of them.)

With so many psychiatrists openly stating that the President has major mental issues, why doesn’t someone in Congress or the Senate grow a pair of balls and force the issue?

Now, President Trump is trying to prove that he is the “big kid on the block” by getting into a pissing match with Kim Jong-Un of North Korea to prove who has the bigger dick militarily-wise.  Kim is saying that he has the capability to strike the continental United States with a nuke, and Trump is basically telling him to go for it.  But it all boils down to posturing.  A political pecker-check.

Yes, North Korea is a threat, but what does Trump do?  Tweet about football players in the NFL bending down on one knee to protest the killing of African-Americans by police.  Or tweet about how much the disaster in Puerto Rico is costing us (never mind that Texas got hit just as hard, but he never talked about how much disaster relief cost there.)  EXCUSE ME, POTUS!  Puerto Ricans are American citizens also!

For a man who has bragged how he has a “great mind,” he sure is showing that he is someone who is driven by emotions alone.  Should this man have his finger on the nuclear trigger?  Absolutely not.  Should he be impeached?  There has to be overwhelming evidence that he has committed crimes against the United States.  Robert Mueller is trying to build a case against him, but because he is going against the Chief Executive, he is going to encounter numerous roadblocks in his search for the truth.

The only way that he can take down Donald Trump is by co-opting the people that Trump has discarded in the 266 days that he has been President.  Reince Priebus. Steve Bannon.  Scott Spicer. Anthony Scaramucci. James Comey. Preet Bharara.  All of these people can take him down.  But that is wishful thinking on my part.  The reality is, there will be numerous back-room deals that will be made, and Donald Trump will escape this, just like he did with the bankruptcies that he went through.

Yes, it is a cynical conclusion, but also a pragmatic one.  And I am a pragmatist.


(c) 2017, Dean A. Basler Jr., all rights reserved.